Sunday, August 16, 2009

Guess who's back? Shady's back. Tell a friend.

The Crone Ranger is back from her annual Sonoran retreat.

Early morning hikes in the nearby Catalina foothills, afforded the most magnificent, iconic images of the west.

The wild west.

To witness the sun rising from behind a large boulder, silhouetting a proud Saguaro, noble & succulent in the morning dew.

Shadows shifting across the mountain peaks as the sun sneeks stealthily across the eastern sky.

I love it.

I love it in a way that makes me feel I have come home.

Amongst the boulders, between the narrows paths of slippery, dry pebbles & earth, even in the hysteria of a cactus encounter ... I just love it all.

Standing on an outcropping of rocks, each inhalation of waking air refills my spirit. Each blink of an eye reconnects me to the earth mother in me, so depleted throughout the year of life.

It's good to be alive!

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